Ron Davis
Career Portfolio
Phone: 201 - 452 - 5933

Ron's Resume

  • Financial Statements
  • Cash Management
  • Banking Relationships
  • Budgeting/Forecasting
  • Credit
  • Payroll & P/R Taxes
  • Fixed Asset Management
  • Billing and Accounts Receivable
  • Accounts Payable
  • Inventory Control
  • Taxes
  • Internal Audit
  • Personal Management
  • Human Resources
  • Benefits
  • Policy & Procedures
  • Licenses & Government Reporting
  • Contract Reviews
  • Legal Matters
  • Building Maintenance
  • IT Management
  • Systems & Processes
  • Risk Management




CFO - General Manager - Controller

Executive Management / P&L Responsibility

Banking & Customer Relations / Cash Flow Management

Bottom Line Profitability

Computer Software


Office Software - Microsoft Office 2010, Lotus 1-2-3, Google Apps.


Operating Systems - Windows 7, XP and 98.


Accounting Software - Accountmate, MAS 90, Quickbooks.


Contact Management - ACT Contact Management, Lotus Notes
